Match Report

20 April 1908 • KO 00:00

35 v 18

King George’s Field, Tonypandy

Attendance: 12000

Referee : Robinson

Match Stats
7   Tries   4
7   Conversions   3
0   Penalties   0
0   Drop Goals   0

Match Report


Thanks to the enterprise of the Mid-Rhondda Social and Athletic Club, coupled with the diplomatic foresight of the committee responsible for the arrangements of the match, Rhonddaites were treated to a game on Monday last which, judged from the spectacular point of view, has probably been unsurpassed for many years. The Northern Union code has been steadily engrossing the affections of Rhondda footballers for some time past, and Monday's match is calculated to give the movement for establishing professional clubs in the Valleys an immense fillip. Certain it is that the enormous crowd—some 15,000 and more-were filled with delight at the character of the game, and from sundry rumours which have reached us, we may at least expect two, if not three, clubs formed under the Northern Union rules ere the advent of the next football season.

Prior to the match the Northern Union officials held an informal meeting, when they discussed matters with representatives of Welsh clubs who are desirous of embarking upon the professional game. Mr. Platt, the general secretary, vouch- safed the information that, provided grounds could be obtained, teams would be formed at Penygraig, Treherbert, Maesteg, and Pontypridd, and very probably at Pontypool.

Two changes were made in the teams, on the English side Leytham, the Wigan star  wing, being substituted by Batten, of Hunslet, and Shugar's place in the Welsh pack being taken by Saunders, of Ebbw Vale. Teams:

Wales.—Back, T. Jenkins (Ebbw Vale); three-quarter backs L. Treharne (Wigan), B. Jenkins (Wigan), P. Thomas (Leeds), and D. Thomas (Halifax); half-backs, R. Rees (Merthyr) and J. Thomas (Wigan); forwards, A. Buckler (Salford), G. Ruddick (Broughton Rangers), D. Jones (Merthyr), O. Burgham (Ebbw Vale), W. Saunders (Ebbw Vale), and D. B. Davies (Merthyr).

England.—Back, H. Taylor (Hull); three-quarter backs, W. Batten (Hunslet), A. Hogg (Broughton Rangers), G. Dickinson (Warrington), and J. Fish (Warrington); half-backs, J. Jolley (Runcorn) and T. White (Oldham); forwards, A. Padbury (Runcorn) A. Robinson (Halifax), H. Wilson (Hunslet), S. Warwick (Salford), T. W. Birch (Leeds), and J. Spencer (Salford).

Referee, Mr. Robinson, Warrington.

Dai Jones set the ball going for the Principality, and the Welshmen assumed the aggressive. Mainly by better handling by the three-quarters, in which Batten and Fish were prominent, England removed the venue, and gained a penalty in a good position. Jolley was enabled to give his side an early lead by a well-placed goal. Keeping up the pressure, the English forwards opened up the game by heeling, and White and Jolley often set their three-quarters, in motion. Fish was held up on the line after a smart burst, and eventually one of the Englishmen forced his way over, but Jolley failed to goal. Wales played up smartly, and Dai Thomas made a long run down the left, when he was forced into touch at the English 25 flag. Wales were doing better at this juncture, and Treharne notched a try in the comer. Johnny Thomas converted. Spencer soon afterwards got over for England, and Fish converted. The subsequent play was brimful of excitement, and Treharne, following up well, helped Jenkins to get over under the posts. Scarcely had the game re-started ere Ruddick raced away in fine style and registered a try, J. Thomas adding the goal in both instances. Wales were now leading by five points. England then got away, and Fish crossed twice for them, one try of which was converted.

Half-time score; G. T. Pts. ENGLAND 3 4 18 WALES 3 3 15

The play was exciting on the resumption, and Wales made a valiant attempt to reduce the advantage claimed by her opponents. Rees Rees whipped away fronr a scrum at the 25 line, and after Phil Thomas and Jenkins had handled, a pass to Burgham put that player over, for,, Johnny Thomas to again register a goal. There was no denying Hen Gwalia, Gwlad y Gan, at this stage, and passing, in which the whole of the backs participated, gave Dai Thomas an opportunity which he utilised to good purpose, after outwitting Fish and Taylor, and scored an excellent try. Johnny Thomas kicked his fifth goal, bringing the Welsh total up to 25 points. Try as they would England could not get away to neutral territory and there find a lodgment, for the home side had by this time proved beyond measure. Fish, Hogg and Batten fought strenuously to keep the attacking force out, and aided by Taylor relieved the situation. Although repulsed temporarily, Wales would not be denied, and after passing through half a dozen hands, Bert Jenkins secured the leather on the verge of the line and scored an- other fine try. The end was now rapidly approaching, and just on the call of time Jenkins was again successful in breaking! through, and for the seventh time J. Thomas added the goal points.

Final score: G. T. Pts. WALES 7 7 35 ENGLAND 3 4 18

This report was first published in Rhondda Leader on April 25 1908. Please note that the timeline below doesn't show the scores in order.

Team Lists and Scoring Information

Wales Tries Goals DGs Pts Cards
1 Chick Jenkins
2 Llew Treharne 2 6
3 Bert Jenkins (c) 2 6
4 Phil Thomas
5 Dai Thomas 1 3
6 Rhys Rees
7 Johnny Thomas 7 14
8 Arthur Buckler
9 George Ruddick 1 3
10 Dai Jones
11 Dai Davies
12 Oliver Burgham 1 3
13 Bill Saunders
England Tries Goals DGs Pts Cards
1 Harry Taylor
2 Billy Batten
3 Andrew Hogg
4 George Dickenson
5 Jack Fish 2 3 12
6 Jim Jolley
7 Tom White
8 Dick Padbury
9 Asa Robinson 1 3
10 Harry Wilson
11 Silas Warwick
12 Jim Birch
13 Jack Spencer 1 3
Time Score Player Team Action
0 - 3 Asa Robinson England Try
0 - 6 Jack Spencer England Try
0 - 9 Jack Fish England Try
0 - 12 Jack Fish England Try
0 - 14 Jack Fish England Conversion
0 - 16 Jack Fish England Conversion
0 - 18 Jack Fish England Conversion
2 - 18 Johnny Thomas Wales Conversion
4 - 18 Johnny Thomas Wales Conversion
6 - 18 Johnny Thomas Wales Conversion
8 - 18 Johnny Thomas Wales Conversion
10 - 18 Johnny Thomas Wales Conversion
12 - 18 Johnny Thomas Wales Conversion
14 - 18 Johnny Thomas Wales Conversion
17 - 18 Llew Treharne Wales Try
20 - 18 Llew Treharne Wales Try
23 - 18 Bert Jenkins Wales Try
26 - 18 Bert Jenkins Wales Try
29 - 18 Dai Thomas Wales Try
32 - 18 George Ruddick Wales Try
35 - 18 Oliver Burgham Wales Try